Corporate foreign language courses

Excelsior Corporate Linguistic Solutions offers you foreign languages courses for:

English 6 levels
French 6 levels
German 6 levels
Italian 6 levels
Spanish 6 levels
Hebrew 6 levels
Romanian 3 levels


Upon request, 25 other foreign languages

Main objectives

  • Increased speaking efficiency, using the right accent and tonality; improving pronunciation
  • Enhancing the participant’s level of confidence regarding the use of the foreign language through encouragement in expressing ideas and opinions
  • Understanding native speakers
  • Developing the ability to answer questions in a clear and quick manner, improving active vocabulary and consolidating grammatical structures
  • Building up the efficiency during a phone call, while writing emails or letters
  • Gaining the ability to communicate using texts from different fields of interest
  • Gaining the ability to listen and understand authentic audio sequences
  • Becoming able to do presentations, take part in open discussions, seminars
  • Gaining better understanding of the corporate culture, especially in a multinational company


Our foreign languages trainers are part of a young, professional, dynamic, success and client’s needs focused team, with a philology and relevant experience in corporate teaching.


The materials are customized in order to answer to the specific needs and requests of each and every group. This is why our center offers counseling for the correct choosing and use of the adequate materials according to the company’s profile. These resources come from prestigious publishing houses.


The methods that our trainers use are dynamic and heavily rely on the trainer-participant interaction in order to convey new information. We try to insert new information based on real live situations, through practical applications and role-play, everything being done either individually or in groups.

Format: Customized according to needs and objectives
Goal: Develop knowledge and abilities in order to successfully use a foreign language.
Organizing: Intensive and pragmatic with the participants’ active involvement, in order to help our clients meet their objectives.
Target group: Employees of all ages, businessmen, people interested in learning or developing their foreign languages skills.
Duration: Modules of 50-100 sessions/level (1 standard session: 90 – 120 minutes)
Frequency: 2 sessions/week or intensive
Location: Client’s HQ or third-party locations
Timetable: Flexible
Number of participants: Groups of 1-8

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